The CWLS (Canadian Well Logging Society) is the oldest organization devoted to log analysis, incorporated in Calgary, Canada, in 1957. In that time, the society has endeavoured to produce a technical journal with a Canadian slant. The CWLS is thus an appropriate place for those interested in exploring mineral resources in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the Canadian Arctic, offshore eastern Canada and southern Ontario.

Here are links to some of the geoscience information available on the web.
If you are aware of a site that should be here, or a site that no longer works please inform the CWLS office at (403) 244-4487 so that the links may be updated. We are happy to provide links to information relevant to the CWLS membership.
Alberta Energy Regulator ( – The regulator has had a number of names over the years, including the Petroleum and Natural Gas Conservation Board, the Oil and Gas Conservation Board, the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB), the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board, and now the Alberta Energy Regulator.
Alberta Geological Survey ( – AGS is the official provincial geological survey of Alberta.
Alberta Utilities Commission ( – Alberta’s independent utilities regulator.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists ( – AAPG provides publications, conferences, and educational opportunities to geoscientists and disseminates the most current geological information available to the general public.
B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines & Petroleum Resources ( … /ministries/energy-mines-and-petroleum-resources) – The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is responsible for British Columbia’s electricity, alternative energy, mining and petroleum resource sectors.
B.C. Oil & Gas Commission ( – The BC Oil and Gas Commission is a single-window regulatory agency with responsibilities for overseeing oil, gas and renewable geothermal operations in British Columbia.
Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences ( – CFES is the coordinated voice of Canada’s Earth Science community, ensuring that decision makers and the public understand the contributions of Earth Science to Canadian society and the economy.
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists ( – CSEG’s mission is to encourage and support scientific, educational and charitable activities that benefit geophysicists through the solicitation of contributions aimed at promoting the development of geophysical knowledge, education and public awareness.
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists ( – The Mission of the Society is to advance the professions of the energy geosciences – as it applies to geology; foster the scientific, technical learning and professional development of its members; and promote the awareness of the profession to industry and the public.
Canadian Society of Unconventional Resources ( – Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources is a not-for-profit society addressing issues around the development of unconventional oil and gas resources.
Crain’s Petrophysical Handbook ( – Complete Petrophysics Reference Manual and Integrated Courses providing computer-ready math, real-world examples, and spreadsheet software, backed by 50+ years of world-wide experience.
Earthworks Jobs ( – Earthworks is a world leading portal of job and career opportunities for geoscientists and related professions.
Elsevier Online bookstore (… /well-logging-and-formation-evaluation/) – Online bookstore with numerous technical titles of interest to the E&P professional including: ‘Well Logging and Formation Evaluation’.
Everett Petrophysics ( – Robert V. Everett P.Eng. – well Log analysis, consulting, teaching and coaching to those of the oil and gas industry who are in need of the most rigorous log calculations of water saturation, porosity and permeability available.
Geological Survey of Newfoundland ( – Geological Survey of Newfoundland.
Ontario Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library ( – The Oil, Gas & Salt Resources Library is a not for profit resource centre for the study of the subsurface geology, petroleum, salt and underground hydrocarbon storage resources of Ontario.
Ontario Petroleum Institute ( – The Ontario Petroleum Institute Inc. is a non-profit industry association which represents explorationists, producers, contractors, geologists, petroleum engineers and other professionals, individuals or companies directly related to the oil and gas, hydrocarbon storage and solution-mining industries of Ontario.
Petroleum Services Association of Canada ( – The Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) is the national trade association representing the service, supply and manufacturing sectors within the upstream petroleum industry.
Professional Log Evaluation Courses ( – David Curwen P.Eng. MBA has over 35 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry, primarily in an exploration environment as a petrophysicist. He has been teaching log interpretation schools to geologists, engineers and landmen.
Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts ( – SPWLA provides information services to scientists in the petroleum and mineral industries, serves as a voice of shared interests in our profession, plays a major role in strengthening petrophysical education, and strives to increase the awareness of the role petrophysics has in the Oil and Gas Industry and the scientific community.
University of Calgary Geology and Geophysics (Geoscience) ( – Geoscience encompasses all aspects of the Earth and its interactions with the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Geologists are interested in processes on and within the Earth, interpreting its history and the distribution of mineral and energy resources. Geophysicists study the physics of Earth processes and the development and use of physical methods to solve geoscientific problems. Hydrogeologists focus on the flow and interactions of fluids and chemical compounds, such as contaminants, beneath the ground surface.
Well Log Interpretation Center ( – Well Log interpretation resources by Yalcin Pekiner