The Canadian Well Logging Society (CWLS) announces yearly awards for engineering and earth sciences undergraduate and graduate students in Canada. The purpose of these awards is to raise interest and awareness of careers in Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation. Formation Evaluation and Petrophysics are the studies of rocks and their fluid properties as they pertain to the oil and gas industry.
This year, the Winston Karel CWLS Student Award is funded by Lois Decker, wife of Winston Karel. Winston Karel was a long-time CWLS member and friend to the community who passed away on July 1st, 2015.
Best Student Thesis wins $1000
Best Student Abstract wins $500
Submissions should critically examine some aspects of well logging, formation evaluation or petrophysics and should be submitted to the CWLS in their final year of study. The final thesis can be submitted at any time in the year of graduation. Submission deadline is December 17, 2021.
The winners will be invited to the AGM in March to receive the awards and to make a presentation at a CWLS lunch meeting in Calgary later in the year.
Student Award Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must be registered full-time at a Canadian university. A student’s financial need will be considered.
Student Award Application Procedure:
Completed application forms must be received before December 17, 2021. Application forms can be downloaded below:
Please submit application forms to: Winston Karel CWLS Student Awards Committee.
Fax: (403) 244-2340
Mailing Address:
Canadian Well Logging Society
#600, 900 – 6th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 3K2
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To have your course posted here, please contact:
- Aaron Weber