The CWLS (Canadian Well Logging Society) is the oldest organization devoted to log analysis, incorporated in Calgary, Canada in 1957. In that time the society has endeavoured to produce a technical journal with a Canadian slant. The CWLS is thus an appropriate place for those interested in exploring mineral resources in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, the Canadian Arctic, offshore eastern Canada and southern Ontario.
NOTE: There are limited number of the 2002 hard-copy catalogues remaining on CD. Rates: CWLS Members: $40.00 and CWLS Non-Members: $80.00.
To Purchase a publication please reach out to us at

LAS (Log ASCII Standard)
This LAS information site provides links to the File Specifications of the various versions of LAS, plus links to LAS Software. LAS versions 1.2 and 2.0 were written and maintained by the CWLS as public domain well log data formats. LAS version 3.0 was written and is maintained in the public domain by the LAS 3 Committee. You are free to use and distribute these data format Specifications and related Software provided you recognize that the ownership of LAS 1.2 and LAS 2.0 Specifications and Software belong to CWLS, and ownership of LAS 3.0 Specifications and Software belong to the LAS 3 Committee.
The following links are presented in two groups: LAS Specifications & Examples, and LAS Software. Select a link from the first group to download the file format Specifications and examples for the corresponding version of LAS. Use the second group of links if you want to download LAS software.
The LAS version 2.0 link in the first group will initiate the download of an Adobe Acrobat ‘pdf’ file containing the LAS version 2.0 Specifications updated in Jan 2014. The documentation includes a number of LAS 2.0 examples.
The LAS Applications Software was designed to perform routine operations on LAS 2.0 files such as correcting LAS files for common errors, conversion from version 1.2 and 3.0, re-sampling, wrapping, un-wrapping, depth conversion, converting text to LAS 2.0, a Certify routine, merging, changing curve mnemonics etc. It was designed for processing large volumes of LAS 2.0 files. The application uses Microsoft “.NET” software and is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, Windows 8.
The LAS 3 Committee chose to not create an LAS 3.0 version software tool, preferring to leave that for commercial software developers.
LAS File Specifications & Examples
LAS 1.2 Specifications September 1990 (Text File) – historical, no longer supported
LAS 2.0 Specifications February 2017 (Adobe Acrobat File) – 2.0 examples contained in the PDF file
LAS 3.0 Specifications June 2000 (Adobe Acrobat File) –
3.0 example LAS file (ZIP File)
LAS Software (Windows based)
LAS Applications software (LasApps) January 2020 – includes certification process which handles all LAS version data files. View LasApps Software Operating Instructions
Show Features & Limitations
Other LAS Software
Other LAS software (both free and commercial) can be found by searching for “Log ASCII Standard” and variations thereof. Software development libraries have been written in languages such as Ruby and Python.
If you have any questions please contact:
For LAS 1.2, 2.0 items: Case Struyk, P.Eng. –
For LAS 3.0 items: Ken Heslop, P.Eng. –